What is the estimated shipping time for orders?

We know once you’ve placed your order, you are anxious to receive your items. We make every effort to get your order shipped out to you as quickly as possible. Our standard shipping times are as given below. However you are advised to check for the actual shipping time mentioned in the order confirmation email sent to you.

  • In stock items – Within 2-5 business days of receiving order.
  • In stock at vendor – Within 5-7 business days of receiving order.
  • Drop-Ship merchandise will be “drop-shipped” directly to you from our suppliers within 7-14 business days.
  • Out-of-Stock Items: You will be notified if an item is out-of-stock when your order is processed. We will email you the estimated lead-time and you have an option to cancel the order with refund, if the lead-time is not acceptable. If you keep the order, we will keep you updated on the backorder status and you may choose to cancel at any time before shipping for a full refund.
  • Special cases like handmade items are usually custom built in coordination with our supplier. Their shipping times are typically 4-5 weeks after order. We will keep you notified of the estimated shipping date. If you do not wish to wait after placing an order, you may cancel the item(s) within 48 hours of being notified of estimated shipping date by us.

How much does shipping cost?

It’s completely free.